Friday, April 01, 2005

Her name was Maya

the brief notice by a sweet angel
the assurance of time not yet passed
the whoing of flirtting interest
of quick and hidden repose

I wonder where I go
I wonder where I will follow
maya... a beautiful name that means illusion
the promise of samsara...
of flitting fires of smoke to be grasped...
an elephant born of a cow...

is that all I see
the dimensions of distraction
the falsity of my true desire
the touch of a feignt

a lure to drag me away.
a lure that frees my mind and heart, only to ensare it more
why can't life be simple...
women be sweet and darling,
men loving and courageous.

why cant the world be as it was...
why do I fail to be who I should...
fulfillment denied for abundance of grace.


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