Monday, April 18, 2005

lejos de ti

away from you,
my heart lies in jaws of gentleness
waiting for the waning sun to snuff it out

away from you,
I can't think beyond the crystal cell
enchaining me, suspending me

is this inevitable?
stalemate of our histories
yesterday attacking today
violently overthrowing hope

Are the keys tired
of conveying my heart
of reading my words
slowly being worn to dust

is tomorrow just yesterday
with a new dress?
the same sun shinning,
the same cloud

does the clock laugh
at my looks
my pangs for you

does my gaze embarrass
my window?
I know every part of it

I don’t care
I have nothing else
to crave,
save a redemption.

what can I do
apart from you
but wait.


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